
My days have been getting away from me recently. Work’s been kind of crazy, I’ve got way too many freelance web projects cooking, we’re real busy at home, the holidays are coming up and I’ve been working on yet another music project. I feel like I spend all day writing/answering emails, working on code, FTP’ing files, and trying to keep all of the right projects compartmentalized in the right areas of my brain. By the time I get a chance to look at my watch it’s 6pm already.

Today I launched a client’s web site, and this weekend is the grand finale of a music project I’ve been working on, so things are looking up. Being busy is a good thing, but not when you can’t see the forest from the trees. I need to take another look at GTD or I might go crazy (great, something else to add to my list).

Sometimes just talking about how busy you are gets it off your chest and you can breathe again. Thanks for listening and sorry this post was mainly about nothing.

Are You a Yindie?

I’m not ready to admit it yet, but I might be a Yindie. The test they have on that page is totally geared toward the British, but I still have a hunch that I’m in the club.

Meet the Yindie: half-yuppie, half-indie, moneyed urban hipsters aged 20-35 who listen to wry northern indie music on their iPod nanos, and who think Zadie Smith is the pinnacle of alternative fiction.

I am 100% sure, however, that Michael Oakley is a Yindie.

I guess they have bears here now

They have been few and far between for the past year plus, but Paul Ford’s writings on Ftrain still have a quiet majesty to them that make me get all excited when his rss feed pings me with an update. This guy could write about the phone book and make me hang on every word.

I’ll have to wait on the phone book essay but am happy to settle for this description of his walk home from dinner.